Registration with the Czech National Bank

We are registered with the Czech National Bank in accordance with § 15 of Law no. 240/2013 Coll. on investment companies and investment funds, as amended (hereinafter "ZISIF") under number 2018/097712/CNB/570.
Our obligations to CNB
- Establish procedures for ongoing monitoring of the total asset value under management that reflect a current assets overview under management and include monitoring the subscription and redemption or, if necessary, capital withdrawal, capital allocation and invested assets value for each alternative investment fund, and which, if necessary, will lead to a more frequent calculation of the total asset value under management if the the total asset value under management is close to the threshold of the decisive limit, in accordance with Article 3 of Commission Delegated Regulation No 231/2013 supplementing Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to exceptions, general terms and conditions, custodians, leverage, transparency and oversight (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”);
- comply with the reporting obligation in accordance with Article 110 (1) of the Regulation and § 462, § 463, clause 2 letter b) ZISIF and § 616 clause 4 letter b) ZISIF and § 4 clause. 2 Decree no. 249/2013 Coll., on the submission of data by the manager and administrator of the investment fund and foreign investment fund of the Czech National Bank;
- in case of exceeding the decisive limit under the conditions specified in § 16 ZISIF, apply within 30 days for a permit in accordance with § 479 or § 480 ZISIF (see § 17 clause 1 ZISIF);
- comply with the restrictions in accordance with § 637 ZISIF, notify the CNB of each fact registered against the administrator in the CNB list in accordance with § 467, clause 4, request to ZISIF pursuant to § 506 clause 1 letter e) ZISIF for delisting as soon as it ceases to be a person pursuant to § 15 para. 1 ZISIF.